Greetings, sports fans!!! And welcome to my blog.
For those who don't know me, I am the Sports Information Director at Union College in Barbourville, Ky. But that's just my occupation - although, I must say it's the best job in the world and on most days doesn't even feel like work. I am also a family man. This August will mark 12 years of marriage to the most amazing woman ever. My wife, Genople, and I have two wonderful - and active, kids. Jayson is 9, and Haylee is 5. Sometimes, though, I feel like I have three kids with the way our dog Cosmo behaves and likes to 'pick on me'. Genople would say that she has four kids, a statement I won't deny or refute. :-D
I'm sure you are wondering why I have called this blog "The Master Juggler". I'll admit that I struggled with trying to come up with a title that 'fits' what I do and what I will blog about. First and foremost, this is a very tongue-in-cheek title. And secondly, I can not juggle.
"The Master Juggler" fits because that what I feel like I am constantly doing. Though I will never claim to be a great adventurer, a jet setter or live life in the limelight, there is rarely a dull moment. Here is a sampling as to why: I oversee the publicity of 23 athletic programs at Union (although I do have a great assistant in Gene Renfro who handles a large number of the teams), the kids are at the age of being more and more involved in extracurricular activities, and there's my activities (helping out at church), my wife's job and all the other stuff I/we try to cram in (like Cubs baseball).
One of the great things about my job is that it's not a 9-to-5 profession. One of the bad things about my job is that it's not a 9-to-5 profession. I am blessed to work in a field and work at a college that allows me great flexibility to deal with life's challenges. That said, it does make it hard to step away from the job - even for a minute.
Do I have all the answers? Absolutely not. Do I know what I'm doing? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The purpose and goal of this blog is not solve life's mysteries or dictate how things should be done. Rather, this blog will chronicle my journey. We'll laugh (even at myself), we'll cry, we'll share frustrations and hopefully we'll learn and grow during the process.
I hope to update often, but make no promises - and you will come to understand this as we journey along the road in the sports information world. I welcome your comments as well. Feedback is always a positive thing - how else are we going to learn, right?
In closing, please remember that life's a journey so let's enjoy the ride.